Spring Cleanup

Prepare your landscape for the growing season with our comprehensive spring cleanup services. Winter can leave debris, dead foliage, and other remnants that detract from your landscape’s beauty and hinder new growth. Our spring cleanup services are designed to rejuvenate your outdoor space, creating a fresh canvas for vibrant spring blooms and lush foliage.

Our spring cleanup process begins with a thorough assessment of your property. We identify areas that require attention, such as accumulated leaves, broken branches, dormant plants, and debris. Based on this assessment, we develop a customized cleanup plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

Healthy regrowth

We start by clearing debris and removing winter-damaged foliage to promote healthy regrowth. This includes raking leaves, collecting fallen branches, and tidying up flower beds and garden areas. Removing debris not only improves aesthetics but also prevents potential pest and disease issues.

Services include

  • Pruning and
    trimming services

    In addition to cleanup, we provide pruning and trimming services as needed. This includes shaping shrubs, trimming overgrown branches, and rejuvenating plants for the new growing season.

  • Mulching

    We also offer mulching services as part of our spring cleanup program.

  • Healthy growth

    Proper pruning encourages healthy growth, enhances plant vigor, and maintains a tidy appearance throughout your landscape.


Our benefits

Our spring cleanup process begins with a thorough assessment of your property.

  • We provide pruning and trimming services as needed.

  • Shaping shrubs, trimming overgrown branches, and rejuvenating plants for the new growing season.

  • Proper pruning encourages healthy growth

  • Maintains a tidy appearance throughout your landscape.


Book your appointment now

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+1 (267) 981-2792